Our mission at myTEAM TRIUMPH is to enrich the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities by fostering lasting, authentic relationships through the teamwork environment of endurance events. With myTEAM TRIUMPH, disabled participants get to do it all! They will "Captain" a team of "Angels" through an entire race guaranteeing them their moment of glory as they cross the finish line that so many of us take for granted.
Whether you are an Angel, Captain, or Volunteer with us, be prepared for a life changing experience. Together, we will redefine what achieve means in the community as we participate in something greater that ourselves and live on purpose! Let's #RunLikeAngels
Since starting our partnership in 2016, myTeamTriumph - Eau Claire has raised over $80,000!
In 2019 alone, the team raised $23,400!
Interested in learning more about myTeamTriumph, check out their website.
BeLikeTommy Project was created to honor the spirit of Tommy Nash and keep the bright light he brought to others alive by:
Promoting inclusion and acceptance of all people, especially those who others tend to leave behind
Selflessly bringing joy to others through a creative sense of humor
Advancing the research and diagnostic approaches to adolescent sudden cardiac death
Supporting causes and organizations that embody what it means to #BeLikeTommy
Team World Vision team has been participating in the Eau Claire Marathon for the past 6 years. They have raised a total of $328,553 so that 6571 people in Africa can have access to clean water.
In 2019, the team raised $35,168.
GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer transforms survivorship as the world’s leading organization dedicated to saving, extending, and improving the lives of those vulnerable, at risk, and diagnosed with lung cancer. We work to change the reality of living with lung cancer by ending stigma, increasing public and private research funding, and ensuring access to care. For more information and to receive your registration code, email Susan Smedley ssmedley@go2foundation.org
Other organizations that have received donations from the Eau Claire Marathon:
AHG WI2010
Alzheimer's Association Greater Wisconsin Chapter
American Cancer Society Relay for Life
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Behavioral Applications Regarding Canines
Bethesda Luthern Church Choir
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northwestern Wisconsin
Box for Bonnie - Gift Package for Cancer Patients
Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Chippewa Valley
Boy Scouts Troop 124
Cards of Hope - Sacred Heart Cancer Center
Chippewa Falls High School Band
Chippewa Falls High School Wire Choir
Chippewa Valley Eye Clinic
Chippewa Valley LGBTQ+ Community Center
Chippewa Valley Montessori Parent Group
Chippewa Valley Roller Girls
Children's Cancer Research Fund
Church of LB International Mission
CLA Connect
CollEctive Choir
Colleges Against Cancer
Crossroads Church Youth Groups
Cub Scouts Pack 127
Cub Scouts Pack 128
Donation Drive for Minneapolis
ECASD Homeless Children & Youth Program
Eau Claire Adventurers 4-H Club
Eau Claire Area Hmong Mutual Assistance
Eau Claire Community Haven House
Eau Claire City Trail Fund
Eau Claire Firefighters Community Charity
Eau Claire Clovers 4-H Club
Eau Claire County Humane Association
Eau Claire Cruisers Youth Track Club
Eau Claire Memorial High School Band
Eau Claire Memorial High School Orchesta
Eau Claire Memorial Booster Club
Eau Claire Memorial Track Team
Eau Claire Memorial Swim and Dive
Eau Claire North Cross Country
Eau Claire North Dance Team
Eau Claire North High School Orchesta
Eau Claire North High School Band
Eau Claire North Softball
Eau Claire Regis Alumni Foundation
Eau Claire Regis Catholic Schools
Eau Claire Regis Sophomore Class
Eau Claire Regis Class of 2019
Eau Claire Regis Wrestling Team
Eau Claire South Middle School
Eau Claire Youth Cycling
Dunn County Humane Society
FAANW Non Profit Org
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Friends of the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library
Girl Scouts
Good Soul 5K
Halos of the St. Croix Valley
Hmong Christian Church
The Hub
Irvine Park New Visitors Center
Jacob Lee Schultz Swimming Memorial
Jeffrey’s Service Dog Fund
Jeannie Richie Memorial
Jimmy V Foundation Cancer Research
Junior League of Eau Claire - The Diaper Bank
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Life's Amazing: Pass it On honoring Cheri Uelmen
Literacy Volunteers of Chippewa Valley
Logistics Health
Longfellow Elementary/Puddle Jump
Longfellow Special Education Department
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Miracle League of the Chippewa Valley
North High School Cross Country Team
North High School Softball North High School Student Council
Orono Alumni Association
Planned Parenthood of Eau Claire
Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation
Prairie Ridge Fight Against Hunger Project
Renew Church
Rewire & Real Foundation
Save the Children - Japanese Tsunami Relief
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Sigma Sigma Sigma Gamma Lambda
South National Junior Honor Society
Southsider Baseball
Southview Elementary Playground Fund
Support for Seigo
Team St. Jude – Cindy Sorenson
Team UP Gymnastics Association
Travelers 4-H
Trinity Preschool
Troup 34
Tower Ridge Skills Course
Transforming the Valley
Truax Eagles 4-H Club
United Soccer Scholarship Fund
UWEC Blugold Mile Organization
UWEC Curling Club
UWEC myTeamTriumph
UWEC Rec Department
UWEC Student Philanthropy Organization
UWEC Synchronized Skating Team
UW-Extension Eau Claire County
Veterans Memorial
Voices in Motion: Voices Against Brain Cancer
West Ridge Chuch